Sustainable and climate-adapted water management in mining in the Southern African region

Figure 1: Aspects of integrated mine water management.

The mining industry in Southern Africa is a major user of water and a significant producer of wastewater and large quantities of waste materials, which are a source of widespread potential pollution of surface and groundwater. The aim of this project is to develop innovative and interconnected tools and holistic and adapted solutions for the sustainable management of water resources in the mining sector and the protection of water resources from pollution caused by mining activities. These tools will be made available for transfer to other sites through a compendium containing the results of this project. This approach combines the aspects of:

  1. Concepts for hydro(geo)logical baseline studies for groundwater resources affected by mining,
  2. Water balance studies for mine residue deposits (MRD) with a focus on the unsaturated zone,
  3. locally adapted mine water treatment technologies,
  4. remediation/revegetation concepts for MRD and
  5. socio-economic cost modeling for water and community involvement.

Thus, this project will contribute to the development of integrated mine water management from the beginning to the end of mining activities. The aspects and concept of integrated mine water management are illustrated in Figure 1.

The project is structured via an already established Mine Water Management  Network (MiWaNet), which includes ministries, authorities, universities and engineering offices in addition to the relevant mining companies. The participating universities organize a training network (MiWaEduNet) for students and employees of MiWaNet members.

Tasks and objectives of the project
Figure 2: From basic studies to groundwater remediation.

WaMiSAR focuses on the inflowing and outflowing water resources of mining. The project aims to improve basic studies on the hydrological and hydrogeological situation in mining areas as well as on the sustainable recultivation of overburden and residual material deposits and on groundwater remediation (Figure 2). Concepts for basic studies on the water situation and the water balance of mining areas as well as for the remediation of mine water and the use of mine water for rehabilitation measures are developed and applied.

The strength of this concept lies in the holistic view of water management from the pre-mining to the post-mining period, including the socio-economic aspects, and in bringing all stakeholders to the table.

Six sites in Namibia (Tsumeb, Klein Aub, Strampriet, Rosh Pinah) and South Africa (Brugspruit and Wonderwater) have been identified for investigation, covering different environments. Different studies will be conducted at these sites depending on the specific conditions (Figure 3).

Study areas in the Southern Africa region

Figure 3: Study areas in the Southern Africa region

Project details


he Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding the joint project "WaMiSAR - Sustainable and climate-adapted water management in mining in southern Africa", as part of the funding measure "Water Security in Africa" (WASA)" within the framework of the federal programme "Water: N". Water: N is part of the BMBF's "Research for Sustainability (FONA)" strategy.

Link to the research program: WASA

Duration: 01.05.2024 - 30.04.2028





Project lead

Prof. Dr. Stefan Norra
Institute of Environmental Sciences and Geography
Soil Science and Geoecology
Potsdam University
Golm Campus, House 12
14476 Potsdam - Golm
E-mail: norra∂uni-potsdam.de

Project coordination

Prof. Dr. Stefan Norra
Institute of Environmental Sciences and Geography
Soil Science and Geoecology
Potsdam University
Golm Campus, House 12
14476 Potsdam - Golm
E-mail: norra∂uni-potsdam.de


Dr. Flavia Digiacomo
Institute for Applied Geosciences
Geochemistry & Economic Geology
Environmental Mineralogy & Environmental System Analysis (ENMINSA)
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Kaiserstrasse 12, 76131 Karlsruhe
Phone: +49 721 608-42758
E-mail: flavia.digiacomo∂kitedu

Project management on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)